Day with a Difference – 31-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

Thought of the day – 5 ways to start living in the present
1. Don’t try to quiet your mind

The hardest thing to do when living in the moment is, or trying to simply witness life, is to not have the urge to try to quiet your mind. When we try to quiet the mind, we just disturb it all the more. Instead, simply witness your thoughts as if they are pure sound. Don’t try to judge your thoughts, there are no good thoughts or bad thoughts. Simply witness them as if they were noise.

2. You are not your thoughts

Too often we identify ourselves with our thoughts, we actually believe we are the dialogue inside our mind. However, we are much more than just our thoughts, we are the force that moves through our mind, spirit and body. Knowing this helps us overcome our fear of quietness and silence, we can have peace knowing that when our minds are quiet, we are not losing touch with ourselves.

3. Breathe, you’re alive

For a moment I’d like you to stop reading and simply pay attention to your breath. I’ll wait…

As you focus your attention on your breath, you’ll notice that your breath is neither voluntary or involuntary. It is something that you do, but at the same time something that “does you”. When you focus your attention on your breath, you come back into relationship with reality, because like breath, reality is both something you do and something that “does you”. It is co-creative. Practice conscious breathing to bring your mind back to the present.

4. Music for meditation

There is a lot of great music made to assist with meditation. My personal favorite though is Stan Richardson’s Japanese flute music. Every time I play it I can feel it’s peaceful energy wash over me. Music made for meditation can help us bring our attention back to the present and clear our mind.

5. Practice mindfulness

This isn’t so much of a tip as it is a staple in living in the present. Practicing mindfulness means we practice our awareness in all our actions. Whether we are washing dishes or tying our shoes, our mind is focused on whatever we are doing. We are not thinking about the bills that we have to pay, or the phone call we need to make when we get to the office. We are simply living in the moment.


Joke of the day

Have a great day!



Day with a Difference – 31-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 30-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret”.– AmbroseBierce

Thought of the day – 10 Ways to Live Life with No Regrets
Here are ten ideas to get you there:1. Wear your truth. – As long as you keep being YOU, as long as you keep staying true to yourself and the passions that move you, it doesn’t matterhow many jobs you get or don’t get, how many mistakes you make, or how many times you have to pull a u-turn. None of it matters. What matters is that you’re living in your truth. The people who need you will eventually find you – the real you. And you will find the people you need. You will find the answers you need. But more importantly, you will find the questions you would have never thought to ask. Read The Art of Non-Conformity.

2. Take time before it’s too late. – Before you know it you’ll be asking, “How did it get so late so soon?” Take time to figure yourself out. Take time to realize what it is you want. Take time to take risks. Take time to love, laugh, cry, and forgive. Life is shorter than it often seems. Take time before it’s too late. Look straight ahead and say “YES” to the opportunities coming your way. Happiness and success never come to look for you while you wait around. You’ve got to get out there, take chances, and work at it to make your dreams come true.

3. Be the leader of your own journey. – There are far too many capable people who don’t pursue their dreams and goals because they let their fears and others talk them out of it. They give up before they even try, and simply let life’s river flow them downstream. Choose to be stronger than that. Choose to swim upstream when you have to. Choose to do the things in life that move you. Let others lead small lives. Let others argue over small things. Let others cry over small wounds. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands. But not you. ReadQuitter.

4. Take calculated risks. – There is no excuse for being an amateur forever. Life is short. The day is rapidly approaching when the risk to remain tight in a bud is far more detrimental than the risk it takes to blossom. Blossom! Spread your wings. Start now. What a disgrace it would be for you to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of your full potential.

5. Change your thoughts. – Thoughts are power. They create and destroy. What is possible is everything. What you do is up to you. Look around and you will see that almost your entire life has been born out of your thoughts. Know this, and plant your seeds accordingly. You can change your mind at any moment. So go ahead. Change it right now.

6. Think you CAN. – If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. And change breeds growth. So when a goal seems big and a plan looks tough, just start, push through it for awhile, and soon the next thing you need to do will look possible. Step by step you can get through anything – this is the truth and you have to believe it. In the end, you’re going to succeed because you’re crazy enough to think you can.

7. Concentrate on being your best self. – Negativity becomes a life altering habit, just the same as positivity; the difference is the amount of belief you hold in yourself, and how you use this belief to fuel your growth. Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. When the time is right, there will be forces out there in need of exactly what you have to offer. So hang in there, stay positive, and remember that the connections you’re looking for in life typically become visible when you’re working hard at being your best self, and not looking at all.

8. Pay attention to life while you’re living it. – Realize that life is simply a collection of little chances for happiness, each lived one second at a time. That some time each day should be spent noticing the beauty in the space between the big events. That moments of dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered. But most of all, realize that life is about being here and now, watching and listening without a clock and without anticipation of results at every moment, and sometimes, on good days, for letting these little moments fill your heart with passion and love. Read The Power of Now.

9. Share your love openly and honestly with those you love. – No matter what, you’re going to lose people in your life. Realize that no matter how much time you spend with someone, or how much you appreciate them, sometimes it will never seem like you had enough time together. Don’t learn this lesson the hard way. Express your love. Tell people what you need to tell them. Don’t shy away from important conversations because you feel awkward or uncomfortable. You never know when you might lose your opportunity.

10. Say “goodbye” so you can say “hello.” – In life, goodbyes are a gift. When certain people walk away from you, and certain opportunities close their doors on you, there is no need to hold onto them or pray to keep them present in your life. If they close you out, take it as a direct indication that these people, circumstances and opportunities are not part of the plan for the next step of your life. It’s a hint that your personal growth requires someone different and something more, and life is simply making room. So embrace your goodbyes, because every “goodbye” you receive sets you up for an even better “hello.”

Joke of the day
Teacher: What r the people of Turkey called?
Student: I don’t know.
Teacher: They r called Turks, now What r the people of Germany called?Student: They r called Germs.
Have a great day!Regards,
Day with a Difference – 30-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 29-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich

Thought of the day – The power of determination
A true story about athlete Glenn Cunningham who was horribly burned in a schoolhouse fire at the age of 8. Doctors predicted he would never walk again. Determined to walk, Glenn would throw himself off his wheelchair and pull his body across the yard and along a fence. Twenty-two months later, he took his first steps and through sheer determination, learned to run despite the pain

The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned, pot-bellied coal stove. A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived. One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames. They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive. He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital. From his bed the dreadfully burned, semi-conscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die – which was for the best, really – for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body. But the brave boy didn’t want to die. He made up his mind that he would survive. Somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive. When the mortal danger was past, he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly. The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body, it would almost be better if he had died, since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs. Once more the brave boy made up his mind. He would not be a cripple. He would walk. But unfortunately from the waist down, he had no motor ability. His thin legs just dangled there, all but lifeless. Ultimately he was released from the hospital. Every day his mother would massage his little legs, but there was no feeling, no control, nothing. Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever. When he wasn’t in bed, he was confined to a wheelchair. One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he threw himself from the chair. He pulled himself across the grass, dragging his legs behind him. He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot. With great effort, he raised himself up on the fence. Then, stake by stake, he began dragging himself along the fence, resolved that he would walk. He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence. There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs. Ultimately through his daily massages, his iron persistence and his resolute determination, he did develop the ability to stand up, then to walk haltingly, then to walk by himself – and then – to run. He began to walk to school, then to run to school, to run for the sheer joy of running. Later in college he made the track team. Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run – this determined young man, Dr. Glenn Cunningham, ran the world’s fastest mile**!

Story Told By Burt Dubin, Developer of Speaking Success System.

**On June 16, 1934, Glenn Cunningham ran the mile in 4:06.8 minutes, breaking the world’s record. His effort portrays that whatever you want to create in your life is yours for the making. As long as you desire it enough and allow your will to guide you, you can have and be whatever your heart desires. The only one that can put limits on our personal will is ourselves. Develop and encourage your will to create and all the forces of nature within and without will help you bring your desire to pass.

Joke of the day
Two girl sprinters are training for the 100 meters race. One says to the other: "You won’t believe this, but I’ve just run 100 meters in 10 seconds." The other says: "But that’s impossible, that’s the world record." So the other says: "Ah hah, but I took a short cut."

Have a great day!



Day with a Difference – 29-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 22-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – Newt Gingrich

Thought of the day –Perseverance
If you think your life is difficult or that you are facing obstacles, wait until you hear about this guy’s astonishing accomplishment despite tremendous barriers.

31-year-old Spencer West, of Toronto, Canada, lost his legs at five-years-old and was told by doctors that he would never be able to sit up, let alone walk. However, through sheer willpower he proved them wrong and did the seemingly impossible: he climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro over a grueling seven-day period. Traveling on his hands for 80% of the trek, West was able to achieve his goal with his two good friends by his side. He spent an entire year training for the climb to ensure his arms were strong enough to handle the trip. In addition, his incredible achievement helped raise £300,000 for the educational charity Free the Children.

Joke of the day
1) Where can we find a sea without water and earth without people?
Ans: On the map

2)which is the laziest mountain?

Ans: Ever-rest

3)A thing has a spark at one end and a fool at the other
Ans: Cigarette

Have a great day!


Day with a Difference – 22-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 18-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa

Thought of the day
In the Solomon Islands in the south Pacific some villagers practice a unique form of logging. If a tree is too large to be felled with an ax, the natives cut it down by yelling at it. Woodsmen with special powers creep up on a tree just at dawn and suddenly scream at it at the top of their lungs. They continue this for thirty days. The tree dies and falls over. The theory is that the hollering kills the spirit of the tree. According to the villagers, it always works.

We educated folks yell at traffic and umpires and bills and banks and machines–especially machines. Machines and relatives get most of the yelling. Don’t know what good it does. As for people, well, the Solomon Islanders may have a point. Yelling at living things does tend to kill the spirit in them. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts….

by: Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

Joke of the day
Two guys are walking down the street when a mugger approaches them and demands their money. They both grudgingly pull out their wallets and begin taking out their cash. Just then one guy turns to the other and hands him a bill. "Here’s that $20 I owe you," he says
Have a great day!


Day with a Difference – 18-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 16-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have” – Louis. E. Boone

The following tips will allow you to face fear and put it in its place.

1. Get comfortable with fear.

Invite fear into your life. When you fear something, move toward it. Feel it, and breathe through it.

Do the things that frighten you. Action builds courage. Tell yourself, “This fear will pass.” Your world expands as your courage expands.

2. Make your dominant thoughts positive.

Fearful thoughts attract more fear. Positive thoughts attract success. Instead of expecting the worst, train your mind to expect the best. Make positive assumptions about your future.

3. Don’t give time, attention, or energy to fear.

Hold yourself accountable. Be consistent, be prepared, be dependable, and focus on solutions.

Be innovative, take the initiative, and go the extra mile. If you don’t take action despite your fear, opportunity will pass you by.

4. Never dwell on scarcity.

Learn to think, speak, and live as an abundant person. Turn off the news. Celebrate what you have. Be generous.

Focus your attention on being ready, willing, and prepared for the beauty, wonder, connections, good fortune, and favorable circumstances that are yours if you are willing to work and be open to it.

5. Revisit your victories.

Strengthen your belief in yourself by reflecting on the last three years of your life and every success you’ve experienced.

Close your eyes and feel the celebratory emotion of each one. Bring the same drive, persistence, and talent into now and allow it to inspire and motivate you.

6. Live vicariously through the victories of others.

Use the success stories of others. Read how the Brooklyn Bridge was built. Study the success of Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah Winfrey. Take note of the courage they developed and follow their path to greatness.

7. Ask your family and friends for encouragement.

My family can see my strength when I forget I have it. At my request, they don’t hesitate to remind me of all trials and triumphs we have come through. They’re generous with praise and encouragement. Ask your loved ones to do the same for you.

8. Create a support group of friends or colleagues.

Robert Fulghum said it best in his book, All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten:“When you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.” Sticking together makes tough times easier and easier times more fun!

9. Plan to be great.

Step into your power and dream big. Follow it up with calculated risks and deliberate action steps. Have no doubt about your success. Your dreams are at stake here!

You have the power to do what it takes to break through any obstacles that stand in the way of yourself, your dreams, and your happiness.

Joke of the day
A tourist was on a beach in Florida, but afraid to go into the water. Spotting an old man standing on the shore, the tourist shouted, "Are there any alligators around here?!" "Naw," the man hollered back, "they aren’t been around for years!" Feeling safe, the tourist swam out in the water. When he was quite far from shore, he shouted back, "How’d you get rid of the ‘gators?" "We didn’t do anything," the beachcomber yelled. "That’s strange," thought the tourist. Then the beachcomber added, "The sharks got them."
Have a great day!



Day with a Difference – 16-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 15-Oct-12

Quote of the day
“A friend is someone with whom you dared to be yourself” – Frank Crane

Thought of the day – Friends
Once upon a time there lived two great friends in a hamlet near Jaipur. Jay and Vijay had been friends since their childhood. Now, they were studying in a college, which was at far distance from their place. In the way, they had to cross a river, pass hills and sandy area too. They used to go to college together. Their friendship was famous in college. One rainy day the two friends set out for college as usual. They were chatting while walking. Perhaps they were discussing some point of atomic theory which was taught the previous day. The two had different opinions which led to heated arguments. This was followed by abusive language by both sides. Things got so bad that in a fit of anger Jay slapped Vijay. Shell shocked Vijay stared at his friend and wrote on sand that “today my best friend slapped me.” Both resumed their walk but now they were silent. Meanwhile, they reached the river which was overflowing today. Vijay was not a good swimmer. He stepped into the river but began to drown and flow with force of water in the direction of the flood. Jay saw this and without thinking for a second jumped into the river. With difficulty he could drag Vijay out of the river. He helped Vijay restore his normal breath. When Vijay became normal, he wrote on a hill that “today my best friend saved my life.” Jay who was observing all this could not help asking, “why did you write it on sand when I slapped you and why are you writing on the hill when I’ve saved your life?” Vijay replied that “we should soon forget wrong done by our friends and dear ones as writing on sand gets erased in no time, but if they do something good for us we should always remember their kindness just as writing on stones is forever.” Saying this Vijay hugged his friends and two went to college as if nothing had happened
Joke of the day
A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised my friend I would meet him half an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am." The man below says: "Yes. You are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees N. latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees W. longitude." "You must be an engineer" says the balloonist. "I am" replies the man. "How did you know." "Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost." The man below says "You must be a manager." "I am" replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", says the man, "you don’t know where you are, or where you are going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in the exact same position you were in before we met, but now it is somehow my fault."
Have a great day!



Day with a Difference – 15-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 12-Oct-12

Quote of the day
"You can’t move forward because you’ve got your eyes in the rear view mirror." -Love Happens movie(2009)

Thought of the day
Character is not defined by what happens to you, but rather by how you react to what happens to you. When you get hit, do you stay down? Or do you reach down somewhere deep inside of you and pull up the courage that lifts you back on your feet to keep moving forward? You do have a choice. Consider these Nine Ways to Keep Moving Forward when you are faced with this choice again.

Forget Regret

Leave your mistakes and regret in the past. They don’t define your value, then or now. When you stay in the past you become stuck and unable to move forward. We all have made mistakes with our job choices, friends and relationships. The consequences can hit us pretty hard. However, to begin learning how to put these experiences behind us – by letting them go, we can begin to live in the here and now. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and keep moving forward.

Learn from Failure
Learning from failure and having regret are two separate things. Regret is an emotion; a feeling of disappointment along with a modest amount of shame or guilt. But to look back at a circumstance and figure out what went wrong gives you some very important information. This review allows you to evaluate what worked and what didn’t, and more importantly, why. Often when you are removed from a situation, you can look at it more objectively which will allow you to make better choices to keep moving forward.

Ask for Help
You are not alone. It may feel that way sometimes, but there are many people who would extend their hand and lift you up if asked. All you have to do is ask. Consider co-workers, neighbors, or your church. Often times we are afraid to ask because we don’t believe we are worthy to receive the help. Think about this: we are surrounded by millions and millions of people by design – for a purpose. A hand to grasp, a shoulder to cling, and a face to radiate hope can help you to keep moving forward.

Believe You are Worthy
Whatever your goal, your dream, or your desire, you are worthy of achieving it. The closer you get to it is when the enemy of you soul will begin putting doubt in your mind by playing the self-limiting tapes that say you are not worthy. Replace these old tapes with a newer one that contains the truth – you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire and to keep moving forward.

Take 100% Responsibility

Except in rare and unfortunate circumstances, you are responsible for the quality and condition of your life. Your career, your relationships and your happiness are all under your direct control. Sometimes we choose to do nothing when we get hit hard because it’s just easier and less painful that way. But the real pain is only deferred. You have to live with yourself. You have to live with the voice in your gut, your inner wisdom, that says you gave up too soon or didn’t try hard enough. When you hear this inner voice speaking to you, it’s usually right. It’s your choice, then, to get up and keep moving forward.

Know What You Want

This isn’t about the how, only the what. In order to move forward in life, you need a firm foundation to step from. Understanding what and where you want to go in life will provide your vision and spirit – your foundation. The how will figure itself out when you know you want to keep moving forward.


There are no accidents without value. When you get hit hard and land on your back, look for the reasons and for the value in this. Open your heart and trust this happened for a reason. Perhaps it was to test your determination or to alert you to the fact you were on the wrong path. Either way, trust the experience is happening for a reason and be open to making adjustments in order to keep moving forward.

Want it More
How badly do you want it? How badly do you really want to achieve what you are working so hard to accomplish? When you get hit hard, you have an opportunity to answer this question. It’s one thing to say you want to do something, or to be something. But to walk through the pain; to get up and keep moving forward knowing there may be more pain ahead, is a test of your determination and resolve. When you find yourself getting back on your feet, you have indeed answered this question and there’s no doubt you will keep moving forward.

Keep the Faith

Faith: A strong belief in something without proof or evidence
At the end of the day when you are weary from all of the effort and energy you have expended and you are sore and tired from being hit hard so many times, but the dream is not realized, the one thing that tells you to keep going; to get up tomorrow and to keep moving forward, is your faith. Honor this and cherish it. Faith is what makes you human. It gives you energy and hope. And if you let it, your faith will deliver you to wherever you want to go in life.

Joke of the day
The teacher says: Today, we’re going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?

The student says: Obviously it’s the past tense.

Have a great day!



Day with a Difference – 12-Oct-12

Day with a Difference – 11-OCT-12

Quote of the day
“Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama
Fact of the day – I’m having trouble sleeping lately. Does this increase my chances of getting sick?
Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick. During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you’re under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep. So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases. Long-term lack of sleep also increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease. How much sleep do you need to bolster your immune system? The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is seven to eight hours of good sleep each night. Teenagers need nine to 10 hours of sleep. School-aged children may need 10 or more hours of sleep. But more sleep isn’t always better. For adults, sleeping more than nine to 10 hours a night may result in poor quality of sleep, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep.


Joke of the day
The following excuses have been suggested if you get caught sleeping on the job:1. “They told me at the blood bank this might happen”

2. “This is just a 15-minute power nap like they raved about in that time-management course you sent me to.”

3. “Whew! I must have left the top off the liquid paper.”

4. “I wasn’t sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm!”

5. “This is in exchange for the six hours last night when I dreamed about work!”

6. “Just pacing myself for the all-nighter tonight!”

7. “Someone must have put decaf in the wrong pot.”

8. “Boy, that cold medicine I took last night just won’t wear off!”

9. “Ah, the unique and unpredictable circadian rhythms of the workaholic!”

10. “I’m sorry, I thought you (the boss) were gone for the day.”

11. “Oh, man! Come in at 6 in the morning and look what happens!”

12. “…and I especially thank you for my excellent boss, Amen!”

Have a great day!Regards,


Day with a Difference – 11-OCT-12

Day with a Difference – 10-OCT-12

Quote of the day

“If you think you are too small to make an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” –
Anita Roddick

Thought of the day – Self confidence
A business executive was deep in debt and could see no way out. Creditors were closing in on him and suppliers were demanding payment. He sat on the park bench, head in hands, wondering if anything could save his company from bankruptcy.Suddenly an old man appeared before him. “I can see that something is troubling you,” he said.

After listening to the executive’s woes, the old man said, “I believe I can help you.” He asked the man his name, wrote out a check, and pushed it into his hand saying, “Take this money. Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can pay me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come. The business executive saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the richest men in the world! “I can erase my money worries in an instant!” he realized. But instead, the executive decided to put the check in his safe. Just knowing it was there might give him the strength to work out a way to save his business, he thought.

With renewed optimism, he negotiated better deals and extended terms of payment. He closed several big sales. Within a few months, he was out of debt and making money once again.

Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the uncashed check. At the agreed-upon time, the old man appeared. But just as the executive was about to hand back the check and share his success story, a nurse came running up and grabbed the old man. “I’m so glad I caught him!” she cried. “I hope he hasn’t been bothering you. He’s always escaping from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller!” And she led the old man away by the arm.

The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All yearlong he’d been doing business, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars behind him. Suddenly, he realized that it wasn’t the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.

Have a great day!Regards,


Day with a Difference – 10-OCT-12